The Joys of Self Employment

It used to be that the overwhelming majority of individuals spent their entire careers working for larger organizations. However, with the number of corporations that went through the phase of downsizing in the last twenty years, many individuals were introduced to the world of self employment. The self employed now make up nearly ten percent of the workforce and is growing each year. The opportunity to be self employed offers a great many challenges to those who take it. It is quite common for individuals who are accustomed to working for others to at first be caught off guard by the demands of being self employment. Nonetheless, those who are willing to work through these differences can make themselves a satisfying career.When many think of self employment, they often think of the freedom to set one’s own hours or working from a home office their pajamas. While this is somewhat true, there are also times when self employment means long hours. Individuals who choose this method of employment need to be self motivated, goal oriented and comfortable with being the sole decision maker. They are responsible for making sure their own Social Security and Medicare taxes are paid and they must also file quarterly taxes. At the same time, they have great freedom to take things in any direction they see fit and many of their expenses are tax deductible.Before jumping into the role of the self employed worker, one should study up on as many resources as possible. Books, websites, seminars and workshops are readily available for those seeking information. There are many aspects to learn about self employment, from how to deal with the isolation of the work at home office to legally collecting past due debts. These resources also show how to lessen tax burdens and how to keep expenses to a minimum until real profits start coming in. Joining groups and organizations for the self employed is a great way to stay connected and get firsthand tips and advice.While there are no rules, it is said that older individuals are more likely to choose self employment and stick with it. Their years of experience and knowledge give them a bit of an edge when it comes to the ups and downs that self employment can sometimes bring. At the same time, younger individuals are more likely to be able to put in the longer hours that being self employed sometimes requires. At any rate, the option of being one’s own boss is becoming more and more attractive with the shifting job market.

Commercial Agents – Tips to Increase the Sales of Commercial Property Today

When it comes to the sale of any commercial property today, there is plenty of competition to contend with. In most cities and towns, there are many good properties listed and being actively marketed. The biggest frustration in selling commercial property today is in finding the right buyers who can act with appropriate finance. In simple terms there are fewer buyers around; the experience and expertise of the real estate agent is more important than ever before in the sale process.From the outset of the property marketing campaign, the specific target market should be the focus. All of the advertising should be written with a view to the targeted buyer. Clarity is important here.All of the advertising for the property should be structured around the target and what they are looking for today; the advertisements, promotional material, Internet listings, and direct mail campaigns should all be similarly structured.To understand this target market ask yourself these questions.
Where is the buyer for the property coming from?
What is the buyer looking for in selecting a property?
How much can they spend and on what terms?
What are the real features of the property that the advertising should be built around?
What is the best time of year to attract a buyer to the property?
What is the best method of sale that will attract the buyer to enquire and then to purchase?
What are the negative issues relating to the property that should be addressed prior to the campaign commencing?
What are the comparable properties nearby that frustrate the marketing process?
So these questions are critical to the property promotion strategy. The buyers in today’s property market are selective and fickle. There are fewer buyers around and negotiations take longer. That being said, the experience and skills of the real estate agent in the promotion, inspection, and closing of a property transaction is now more important than ever before. Knowledge and practice will help the process.Every marketing campaign has to address the target market and promote the individual property. The days of generic marketing are gone. Specific target marketing with dedicated advertising that really encourages enquiry should be the main focus of every campaign.The best ways to increase the levels of enquiry in every commercial property campaign include the following:
The buyers of commercial property typically come from the local area. This means that your campaign should be directed to the local property owners and the local business owners. To achieve this focus, it is best to direct mail and telephone the owners and the businesses that own or occupy local property. Every piece of direct mail should be followed up to optimise the enquiry and the information.
When any property comes on the market, within the first 24 hours ensure that flyers and information brochures are personally delivered to the neighboring properties and businesses within a radius of 500 metres.
Place a prominent signboard on the property at the start of the campaign. This is perhaps the best and most cost efficient way of promoting any property. If possible ensure that the signboard has specifically been created with property information and sale details.
When you draft your advertisements for the property promotion, use the keywords that apply today to the property type and location. These keywords will help the Internet Marketing and Internet listing. You can research the keywords from the larger search engines on the Internet. These keywords will be the words that the buyers of property are entering into the search engines when looking for properties to purchase.
When the promotion of property commences, make personal contact with the database within your office. This means telephone calls and meetings with the appropriate people. The information and leads that you gather from the campaign will be helpful in other property promotions at a later time. All the information should be entered into your database.
E-mail marketing will be a useful tool for every property promotion. Most agents are selectively sending out e-mail marketing each week. Any property promotion can be merged into this process.
To sell a property today, the best method of sale should be selected. That will be the method that buyers respond to and act within. Do not choose a method of sale that can frustrate the potential purchasers. The
Vendor paid marketing remains the normal and sensible alternative in every marketing campaign. Any serious property vendor will commit marketing funds to the promotion of their own property. Always ask for vendor paid advertising to comprehensively cover the target market.
Create an inspection process and strategy that covers the property and its features. Understand exactly how you will take people to and around the property. Identify the right things to talk about with buyers, and get market information to support your presentations or inspections.
Even in this tougher property environment, good properties will sell. It is a matter of the agency working hard to locate the buyers and then promote the property effectively. This is a personal process when it comes to each and every property.Open listings are generally a waste of time today as they always take longer to sell. Every serious vendor that needs to sell their property should commit to an exclusive listing and marketing campaign with one specialist commercial agency for a period of at least three or four months. If the property is unique then that time line will be longer.

You Can Stop Your Gambling Addiction

Compulsive gamblers of all ages continually fear the day they know they will have to stop gambling. Most of them realize this when their personal resources are dwindling with each passing day.

I remember the day I had ten thousand dollars still left in my savings account. The next day I had five thousand and a week later I had overdrawn my account by $150.00. Even though I realized I had a problem, I couldn’t stop my addiction. I wanted to gamble and win back all the money I had lost. I knew that I should stop, but I refused to and the end result was devastating for me. I had no money and no where to go. I still had my job and my dream of winning big someday. I thought I could never beat this gambling addiction, so I figured why bother. Then I realized I wanted to change my life for the better. I realized I had to take one day at a time. I needed to slow my thoughts down and focus on only one thing at a time. I learned to think about today and did not worry about tomorrow.

When I woke up each morning usually not too grumpy I made the decision of whether or not I was going to gamble today. I gave myself the choice and at the same time I thought about all the destructive behavior. This morning I made the choice I did not want to gamble today. I realized if I told myself I could never gamble again I was adding too much stress to my life.

Compulsive gamblers compound their stress when telling themselves they will never gamble again. Life is too short and it’s time to live to the fullest.

Once compulsive gamblers realize that they are good people and they deserve the best in life their recovery seems to accelerate.

Mr. Howard Keith has an extensive background in dealing with compulsive gamblers and relatives and friends of gamblers. Mr. Keith believes there are many alternatives to aid in the recovery of a gambling addiction.

For more information on gambling addiction and stop gambling you can check out