Offshore Gambling – Is Offshore Gambling Really Worth 100′s of Billions A Year!

Ok I am back with another intriguing discussion on offshore gambling and it’s particulars. In this article I want to talk more about how huge this industry has grown as well how offshore gambling companies bypass the standard laws for various countries.

One of the best things I can think of about operating an offshore gambling casino if you have an Internet connection for instance you are in business as where you are in the world does not matter then. To make things more confusing for countries to penalize a company because of tax laws, online casinos gather bits and pieces from many different locations around the world. This business strategy has proved to be very successful as for example if an offshore gambling casino decided to obtain a license from one country, then host the website of his online casino on another server in another country and then advertise for customers to another country. This method, which is completely legal in all regards, just shows how ridiculous it would be for a government to try and control all offshore gambling events.

To give you an idea how big this industry has come, no one knows for sure but the total worth estimate is around the three hundred billion mark and growing. This is a huge figure considering that only in 2000, the figure was closer to one hundred million mark.

And because more and more people are playing online casinos each year, offshore gambling companies are ever expanding their empires further looking into grey areas of that particulars countries tax laws. Just recently the US government had installed a ban for all online casino gambling websites to advertise on the Internet, on television and in books or magazines. This new strategy employed by the government did put a damper on things for few months but offshore gambling centers countered back by displaying the educational benefits of playing with pretend money with that specific casino totally leaving judgment in the offshore gambling players hands to find the real play money site within.

Well with that in mind the cautious online player still has to be on the look out for shady offshore gambling outfits. How does one do that? To start we can thank the many websites that their sole purpose in life is to seek, locate and post on their sites the blacklisted casinos for various reasons but mainly for not paying customer winnings or not legit at all. As I have mentioned before I cannot stress enough to take some time first and look into the casino of choice and make sure you are dealing with a reputable offshore gambling casino only.

To be continued….

The Male Chastity Lifestyle and Your Emotions

A common misapprehension about the male chastity lifestyle is it’s about just two things: sex and submission. And while this may well be the main concern for some people, in my experience, both in my own life and with men and women I’ve spoken to about this, the truth is usually somewhat different. There’s no doubt most relationships when they settle down to the nitty-gritty of real, mundane life experience a marked reduction in sexual activity, both in terms of frequency and duration. What’s more, our sheer, naked lust tends to tail off so, unless we make a concerted effort for it to be otherwise, we become generally less adventurous, too. In some couples sex actually becomes, in the words of many a woman, “a chore“.


Now, it’d be a mistake to think that simply having more sex is the answer. It can be, to be sure, but even this is harder than it sounds. Having hot, bed-breaking, mattress-splitting sex when you’re “making” yourself do it hoping to boot-strap things is no mean feat. And this is where the male chastity lifestyle can make a real difference, although not necessarily just for the reasons you might think. It’s true your man is going to be hornier because he’s having fewer orgasms. Not only that, but because he’s having to please you in other ways, he’s going to be even hornier than he’d be if he was just deprived of his orgasms (you won’t believe how turned on your man is going to get when he’s pleasing you with his tongue, and the knowledge his own orgasm is not on the cards is in the forefront of his mind).

But the real benefit and the reason you hear all the stories about how loving, attentive and lustful your man becomes is the emotions it sparks in both of you. You see, what you’re doing, among other things, is recapturing the early-days’ intimacy. That in turn ramps up all those yummy emotions: love, attraction, warmth, fun, and all the rest of it.


The second part of the common misapprehension is submission. Not all men become submissive when they embrace the male chastity lifestyle. Some do, of course, and some women like that. But in my experience, again, most men don’t, which is just as well because most women don’t like it. What we do like is a man who’s considerate, confident, loving, caring and attentive but without being weak, pestering and like a big, spoiled child. Most unattractive, right, girls?

Now, a woman’s emotions tend to be more complex than a man’s. And when you first embrace the male chastity lifestyle they can be very fragile and changeable because you’re not quite sure what to expect. On the one hand, you’re perhaps nervous: despite reading this article, despite your partner’s assurances, you’re still not sure he’s not a bit… weird. Let’s be honest. It’s all new to you, for all you know it means massive change, and you’re not 100% certain where the male chastity lifestyle is going to end up taking you both.

Yet then there’s the sheer power of your femininity!

Yes, that power rush. The same one you got when you first realised the Power of the Little Black Dress when you walked a certain way past the men who couldn’t keep their eyes off you… well, it’s like that again. When you’ve got your man worked up into such a state he doesn’t know his up from his down and he’s begging and pleading with you to be allowed to orgasm, and you know he’s not going to get mad or sulky when you say “NO!“, because it’s something he’s begged you to do to him, then you feel that rush of power.

And you can feel a bit guilty, a bit naughty, like you’ve done something you shouldn’t, like you’re enjoying something exquisitely “naughty” no “nice girl” would ever dream of. You can’t stop that feeling from sneaking up on you, but you can decide what to do about it, how to react. And the best way to react?

Enjoy it. Revel in it.

Because this hot, emotional rush is one of the major unspoken-about benefits of the male chastity lifestyle… and once you’ve tried it, you won’t want to go back to the old way of living ever again… and nor will your man.

Discount Homeowners Insurance – Where to Get It

Homeowner’s insurance protects you against financial loss if your home or property is damaged by theft, fire, lightning, smoke, or other disasters. Thanks to the internet, you can easily find discount homeowners insurance that meets your needs. Here’s how …Complete Your InformationYou can get quotes for discount homeowners insurance by visiting an insurance comparison site. On the site you’ll complete a simple questionnaire with information about your home and your insurance needs, including …* How much coverage you want for your home and for your home’s contents. It may be helpful for you to make a detailed inventory of your home’s contents to figure out what coverage amounts you need. (You’ll also need this inventory if you ever need to make a claim.)* The deductible you want to apply to your homeowners insurance.* The square footage of your home and the year it was built.* The number of miles from your home to the nearest fire station and the number of feet to the nearest hydrant.* Any discounts for which you might be eligible. For example, many discount homeowners insurance companies give discounts to non-smoking customers, as well as for security features such as deadbolts and smoke detectors.Get Answers to Your QuestionsThe best insurance comparison sites will also have a chat feature available. With the chat feature, you can get answers to all your homeowners insurance questions from insurance professionals. (See link below.)Get Your Discount Homeowners Insurance QuotesOnce you complete the questionnaire, you’ll quickly receive discount homeowners insurance quotes from multiple A-rated insurance companies.What if the Quote is too High?If the quote for your discount homeowners insurance is more than you can afford, follow these tips to try to get it lower:* Lower your coverage limits and raise your deductibles. Note that your mortgage company probably requires a specific minimum coverage.* See if you can qualify for more discounts. Perhaps you can install more smoke detectors, burglar alarms, or buy fire extinguishers.* If your credit is poor, work on improving it.